–Hidden comment
Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to
europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.
The TikTok affiliate program offers a CPA model for digital services, with global reach and strict content guidelines. Affiliates earn fixed commissions of $40 per signup with a $10 payout minimum. Payment is monthly via bank transfer.
Welcome to the TikTok affiliate program overview. We have compiled all of the information you need to know before joining the TikTok affiliate program.
S ústredím v Los Angeles je TikTok aplikácia na zdieľanie videí, ktorá umožňuje používateľom vytvárať a zdieľať krátke videá na akýkoľvek tému. Thus, if you're interested in earning extra income from the media and marketing, check out their CPA affiliate program below.
Media and Marketing
Digital services
CPA - Cost Per Acquisition
Every affiliate program has its own campaign rules, and each one is important to consider when deciding whether the TikTok affiliate program is the right choice for you to promote. The first step is to check accepted countries for the TikTok affiliate program since each company has different market preferences. The second information to look for is the traffic source TikTok accepts, which explains what platforms you can use to promote your business. The next step is to check TikTok's cookie duration, displaying how long a cookie lasts from the last click. Last but not least, make sure you look into TikTok's policy on explicit, religious, and political content.
30 až 90 dní
Link and banner advertisements
Social media advertisements
Vyplácanie je jedným z najdôležitejších faktorov, ktorý je potrebné zohľadniť pri výbere partnerského programu. The TikTok affiliate program offers single-tier commissions, which means the affiliates earn commissions only on sales they generate. Navyše, partnerský program ponúka fixnú štruktúru provízií s minimálnou hodnotou výplaty 10$. If you want to know more details about TikTok payouts, such as what payout methods they accept, please check out the specific information below or follow up with TikTok Affiliates contact.
40$ za prihlásenie
Fixná provízia
Bankové prevody
Objavte Paypal partnerský program na Post Affiliate Pro! Zarábajte provízie v odvetví financií a poisťovníctva s fixnou štruktúrou výplat vo výške 10$ za akvizíciu. Pripojte sa teraz, akceptujeme partnerov z USA s 30-dňovou trvaním cookie. Začnite jednoducho pomocou link a banner reklám a získajte výplaty cez Paypal alebo bankový prevod. Prihláste sa a spojte sa s naším affiliate manažérom Jessicou Robinson pre viac informácií.
Partnerský program Google Workspace
Explore the Google Workspace affiliate program to boost your earnings with CPL opportunities in digital products and services. Benefit from a single-tier commission structure with fixed payouts up to $27 per user, paid monthly, with a minimum payout of $50. Discover how to effectively promote with accepted traffic sources worldwide and access comprehensive support from CJ Affiliate software. Join now to maximize your affiliate potential with Google Workspace.
Explore the HBO affiliate program through Post Affiliate Pro and earn with their CPS model in arts, entertainment, and recreation. Benefit from a 5% commission rate, no minimum payout, and flexible payment methods like PayPal. Ideal for promoting through social media and banners, with a 30-day cookie duration. Join now to monetize your traffic with HBO's premium digital products!
Partnerský program Michael Kors
Join the Michael Kors affiliate program and earn commissions on luxury fashion products like clothing, footwear, and accessories. Perfect for those in the USA and Canada, the program offers a 2% commission rate with no minimum payout limit, using CJ Affiliate software. Promote through various advertising channels and start earning today.
Post Affiliate Pro je najlepšie hodnotená partnerská softvérová alternatíva
Hľadáte najlepšiu partnerskú softvérovú alternatívu? Post Affiliate Pro ponúka férové ceny, bezplatné nastavenie, najviac integrácií a 24/7 technickú podporu. Začnite skúšobnú verziu zdarma a zistite, prečo je to najlepšia voľba pre váš biznis.
Vyskúšajte našu 1-mesačnú bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu
Vyskúšajte Post Affiliate Pro bezplatne na 14 alebo 30 dní! Začnite testovať všetky funkcie potrebné pre vaše podnikanie už dnes.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with Post Affiliate Pro.
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