SK 1&1 E-Shop integration
SK Take advantage of cheap Ecommerce website hosting.
SK The integration of 1&1 E-Shop which is a part of 1&1 hosting is done by direct insertion of the sale tracking code to a special section designed for affiliate tracking code.
You can track total cost, order ID, customer email (for Lifetime Commissions) and currency.
1. Sale tracking
Navigate to eBusiness> 1&1 E-Shop> Settings> Cart settings> Texts> Affiliate-Tracking-Code section and
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
If you want to track a currency as well, use placeholder #CurrencyCode
Save your changes and you are done. The site just has been integrated.
Do not forget to integrate your site with the click tracking code to make it all working. You can do that in Slogan section of eBusiness> 1&1 E-Shop> Settings> General settings> Presentation – just enter the code to the code section (icon with page and <> symbols) of the Slogan area.
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Zarábajte pasívny príjem s Post Affiliate Pro! Staňte sa partnerom a získajte až 30% províziu. Jednoduchá registrácia a podpora.
Potrebujete pomoc s integráciou Post Affiliate Pro? Využite našu službu kontroly integrácie za $50 alebo zdarma s Ultimate verziou. Náš tím odborníkov skontroluje váš sledovací kód a zabezpečí jeho správne fungovanie. Kontaktujte nás e-mailom a zabezpečte si bezproblémovú integráciu. Začnite bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu a zažite výnimočnú podporu!